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FEEWWORLD & SEETEC | 2024 Hong Kong Electronics Fair It's a Wrap

The 2024 Hong Kong Electronics Fair was a remarkable event that showcased the latest advancements in technology and innovation. FEELWORLD & SEETEC's latest technology provides videography and live-streaming solutions. Attendees can experience the latest videography products(field monitor, broadcast monitor,video light, and softbox)on-site to improve the efficiency of videography focus on filmmaking. Besides, the live-streaming equipments(video switcher, 4K PTZ camera, PTZ camera controller,dynamic mic) create an engaging and interactive live-streaming experience for your audience.

Produse recomandate

Produse recomandate

Produse recomandate

Echipament de streaming live

Produse recomandate

See you at 2025 Hong Kong Electronics Fair

Not only were we able to demonstrate the operation of the camera and live streaming equipment, but we were also able to discuss the industry's experience with these camera professionals and film industry productions, and offer them a range of solutions!
We look forward to participating in the 2025 Hong Kong Electronics Fair again next year and witnessing the latest technological breakthroughs. until then, stay tuned for more updates on our products and technological advancements.

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